Wednesday, February 27, 2008

VIDEO: Bradley/E.B.E., Paula Bagasao & Glassell Park NC Step In A Pile Again

Looks like Glassell Park NC is back in the mix. Got a few items sent to my inbox ( Here's the latest:

GPNC Vice-Chair Mark Quiroz and GPNC Secretary Maggie Darett-Quiroz call for the removal of GPNC Boardmember Paula Bagasao based upon alleged comments made at a previous GPNC meeting.

At Feb 19 GPNC Meeting boardmember and 2007 chair Bradley addresses grievances Mo Oxford's public records request, "the reason previously WE HAVE NOT BEEN WORKING WITH YOU is that You're RUDE, CRUDE, TACKY, and DISRESPECTFUL." How ironic!

Since when does Bradley have the right to "NOT WORK with a GRIEVANT"? Is it
because the grievance is against him? ANOTHER JUST CAUSE for REMOVAL? C'mon GPNC, step up and do the right thing.

Mike Gealer

[ZD said...Sorry Badley, I gotta agree with Mr. Gealer. Unless you are enforcing your own brand of democracy, no one elected you "Miss Manners", Badley...YOU do not get to decide what you consider to be the proper level dignity. I'M SURE HE NEVER GRABBED A PIECE OF PAPER OUT OF A WOMAN'S HAND, OR STALKED AROUND THE MEETING LIKE YOU BADLEY! YOU, BADLEY/E.B.E. are NOT the DECIDER of who you deal with and why. Can you imagine a democracy that doesn't deal with people based on "tackiness"???]

Titled: Arrogant, Blustering, Lying Buffoon on Youtube