Saturday, March 22, 2008

Best of the Sunday Times ...ZUMA Times! (All The News That's Fit to Link) Part 1

Many people are familiar with the political blogging of Zuma Dogg vs Fraud, Waste & Abuse. But before LA City unconstitutionally yanked the rug out from under my business at Venice Beach, I was a fan of such topics as "quality and productivity", "innovation", "marketing strategy/warfare" and "linguistics" and wrote many articles on these topics.

A lot of it was published internationally in various trades and publications (magazines). Here is some response from the authors and consultants that inspired this material.

Dear (Zuma Dogg),

I thank you for your FAX letter dated 2 May 1992. I agree with your statement that (Zuma’s statement). I appreciate much the attachment ("Interpreting Deming's 14 Points") that you sent. It is well done. I thank you and remain

Sincerely yours,
W. Edwards Deming
(May 2, 1992)

"I too, as I am sure you know, am a Deming fan. I think your synthesis of his work is fabulous!" - Anthony Robbins/Chairman, RRI

"I thought you did a very, very nice job taking our basic ideas and really extending them in ways that I thought are very interesting." - Al Ries/Marketing Warfare, Bottom Up Marketing, Positioning, Focus, Origin of Brands.

Great article!" – Jack Trout/Marketing Warfare, Strategy, Positioning

Meet Marketing Strategists Al Ries & Jack Trout (Marketing Warfare, Positioning, 22 Immutable Laws..., Focus, Strategy and other Marketing Staples

Interpreting W. Edwards Deming's 14 Points (Methods for Management of Quality and Productivity)


Marketing Warfare Strategist AL RIES SPEAKS to ZUMA DOGG Regarding "Brands"

Methods for Management of Quality and Productivity (Innovation, Increases Efficiency, Reduced Waste, Increased Profits)

More Effective Public Communication (City Hall PR and Public Media Speak)

How to more effectively communicate as executives in leadership positions and as those who speak publicly in the media during speeches and campaigning

Best of Zuma Times (PART 2)
Newly revamped. One link to scan it all