Sunday, March 16, 2008

BLOGGING BREAKTHROUGH!: Full Length Movies & TV Episodes (As Embedded Blog Posts)

LA Daily launches sister blog

Due to constant technological breakthroughs and new licensing agreements with major studios, Zuma Dogg can now feature full length movies and TV shows. Plus interesting clips from U.S. television and movie history.

Currently posted: Ice Age, Big Lebowski, Usual Suspects (FULL LENGTH EMBEDDED MOVIES) -- plus full length episodes of The Simpsons, 24, The Office, Zuma Dogg, Family Guy, 30 Rock (Seinfeld Episode), Dragnet, Adam-12. Plus stuff like The Dana Carvey Show featuring Steve Carell and Stephen Colbert (early in their careers) and full segments from SNL Season One through '08 season.

Much more to come.

So here's to further lowering of U.S. office productivity with full length movies and TV shows now in blog posts at

Here are some clips that may be of interest to readers of this blog from the ZumaTube archives:

Nixon Resigns: August 9, 1974Nixon Resigns: August 9, 1974

One of the first in-depth televised interviews Martin Luther King Jr. ever gave, first broadcast on October 27, 1957.

The Summer of Love: 1967 (NBC Special)