Man, you gotta give it up to Jose Aguilar from East Los Angeles. He was the first one to warn me that the problem with LA City's high-density "Dumb Growth" plan (beyond not enough infrastructure, police, schools, public transportation and the added crime that skyrockets under such dense development) IS THE WATER, Y'ALL!!!
Last year he aksed me to post a thread about the "Sierra snowpack" and how a drought would cause a shortage of water and would not be able to accommodate all these new high-density housing developments all across the city (From LA River to Las Lomas to Universal City to all across Garcetti's distict; and Citywide. Mr. Aguilar warns that this will cause water to become to new oil (what the politicians fight over) and will cause water rates to skyrocket -- beyond the DWP shady rate increases.
Here's another drip in the water torture bucket...
From LA Times:
Last week, the state Department of Water Resources, reported that Sierra snowpack was at 118% of normal for this date, compared with 63% of normal at this time last year, the driest year on record for Los Angeles.
But Gehrke is a cautious man, and never more so than when explaining snowpack surveys.
"We could slide back to below average. A March without snow could do it," he said. "A lot of the reservoirs are pretty low from last year."
That would be bad news for Southern California, which depends heavily on imported water, about half from northern mountains and the rest from the drought-stressed Colorado River. Further straining supplies, a court decision protecting a rare fish in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta has reduced deliveries to the south by 30%. To comply with court stipulations, state officials last week cut southward flow for seven days by 75% of normal.
Amid fears of shortages, water rates probably will rise. Directors of the region's water wholesaler, the Metropolitan Water District, will vote March 10 and 11 on a proposed 14.3% rate increase starting Jan. 1, 2009, in part to buy extra water. More rate increases are expected in 2010 and 2011.
full story
Zuma Times on "density bonus" that will bring the city to a grinding halt, and create so much over crowdedness that crime is certain to skyrocket: "Are you adding 35% more roads, police, fire, trash collection AND WATER!!! THERE IS NOT ENOUGH WATER TO ACCOMMODATE ALL OF THIS ADDED DENSITY -- AND YOU KNOW THIS. AND YOU WILL NEED WATER TO COOL YOU OFF BASED ON WHERE YOU ARE ALL HEADED FOR THIS. Besides the infrastructure -- THIS WILL CAUSE A SERIOUS WATER PROBLEM!!! WARNING...WARNING...THIS IS NOT A TEST!!!" Click here
June '07 water story by ZD
Jose Aguilar on water crisis
Click here for picture of the day: "Wow, I could have had an Obama instead of a Meathead!"