Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tennie Pierce Outside Council Cost L.A. City $1.4 Million (Initially Approved for only $750,000)

Councilmember Dennis Zine is grilling someone from the City Attorney's office over the money spent on outside council over the Tennie Pierce firefighter (dog food prank) settlement.

CM Zine is using the opportunity to voice his overall displeasure with the entire process. And the attorney gave reasons as to why this was about so much more than an alleged couple bites of dog food. (Emotional distress and all that.)

But relating to the money spent on outside council, it was revealed that although City Council approved $750,000 for outside council to defend the City in the case. But then, although CM Zine (who stated that he has been closely monitoring this situation on the agenda) and CM Greig Smith didn't know/realize/recall that the City Attorney's office came back and asked for more money (that Council approved), bringing the $400 and hour billable total to $1.4 million dollars. (About double.)

The representative from the City Attorney's office claims the information about the additional money for outside council is in the City Council file.

I wonder if the Councilmembers had realized that they were approving the money, if they would have approved it. (After all, if they seem surprised that it was approved, maybe they wouldn't have approved it.) Either way, I'm sure some folks ain't happy.