Wow...Friday was a day at City Hall as I have never seen. A couple issues slipped through City Council's cracks (maybe because someone was on crack) and they finally got a taste of what it's like to be bamboozled with a last-minute, legalese fastball (blown past them like 15 Hellen Kellers). The State Assembly Bill 212 (Fuentes), on it's way to the Senate, would allow developers to bypass council (on their way to the planning department) when in need of a zoning change to jam that skyscraper or golf resort up the communities wazoo.
Zuma Dogg explains it during public comment -- followed by alarCON (who mentions ZD). (Rick Orlov listening in bleachers.)
Here's a shallow Daily News article that can provide some surface background, but doesn't tell the real story, here.
AND YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN WENDY SPIN AS THOUGH HER ENTIRE WORLD WAS RIDING ON IT! (I wish she would be this passionate over safety issues or the school system.)
What the Daily News didn't report, was that Zuma Dogg heard ASSemblymember Fuentes creates AB 212 as the cahoots-request of CMs Alarcon and Cardenas (and a third CM) to allow some kind of resort golf club development against CM Greuel's promises (to the Sunland-Tujunga community) to keep the development off the course.
But what ZD does not understand is why would alarCON and Cardenas have Fuentes create a Bill that takes away all their lobby/special interest magic powers. They'll be walking around the district like Clark Kent instead of Superman.
I think it's possible that ALARcon didn't think of this, or something, even though I find it hard to believe everyone involved wouldn't have thought of this as a side effect of this "one issue" Assembly Bill that was allegedly created specifically over a golf course in Sunland-Tujunga that some folks want to develop.
Looks like the boys forgot to cut Wendy in for her piece of the pie.
JAN PERRY VS DWP SOFTWARE NEEDS: Little Miss Thing, Despicable Human Being Jan Perry caused quite a ruckus over some "proprietary" software DWP wanted to purchase that Jan was concerned had an inside connection to the contract. (Even though it was proprietary software.) I've never seen such a scuttlebutt break out in the horse shoe with CMs on their cell phones and buzzing back and forth over the $1.475 million DWP software they need to purchase to allow their different systems to be able to communicate with each other (in helping to dispatch service calls, and whatnot.)
MAYOR THROWING GRAND AVE PROJECT UNDER THE BUS?: CM Bill Rosendahl was in the Daily News on Friday slamming the Grand Ave Project, "ZD Style" over subsidies. (I am about to read the article.) But I don't have to read the article for the REAL story on all of this...
ZD operates under the premise that CM Rosendahl is NOTHING but a Mayor Anotnio Puppet of the weakest kind. (He's the LEAST independent on the issues that matter to the mayor. HE WOULD NEVER MAKE NEGATIVE COMMENTS ON ANTIONIO'S PET PROJECT (the reason The Broadfather backed Antonio for Mayor -- TO GET GRAND AVE DONE)!
So if Rosendahl is saying that Grand Ave shouldn't be getting anymore subsidies, it is ZD's opinion that this is Antonio's way of breaking it to Bill Wittee of Related Cos. (Grand Ave Debacle Co-Developers; along with Arab Emirates of Dubai) that they ain't getting any more subsidies.
So looks like ZD was right when said this project would take off like a lead Zeppelin. That's because I saw the future -- and it said "No time for this luxury, five star bullcrap project that could never get done without all these subsidies. And now, due to ZD's economic predictions ALL COMING ain't getting done even with the subsidies. MAN DID JAN PERRY SCREW THE ENTIRE REGION OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WITH HER RECKLESS PLANNING! That's because we all know, when it comes to developer money, Jan is like a very expensive whore who is for sale at any price. (And the community wreckage ensues.)
WAY TO GO AT GRAND AVENUE JAN PERRY! You really showed your leadership and vision for a historic Los Angeles. Historically tragic. You're going down in history alright, Ms. Perry...they'll be talking about how some developer whore fucked up the whole city over greed, power and vindictiveness. HOW CAN JAN PERRY WALK AROUND IN PUBLIC AND GO ON TV WITH ABSOLUTELY NO DIGNITY? (She must be very, very desperate to make back the money to pay back those college loans.)
Daily News article on Grand Ave "Dubai" Debacle