From day one, and before day one, Zuma Dogg was screaming how Clinton must work on her tonality(Shrillary Clinton) and how her grating and annoying presentation was her own biggest political enemy.
Well, last night, now that the pressure is off, she finally gave the best speech I have ever heard her give. And although she is still kinda mono-tone and mechanical sounding when she speaks, if she had hit this kinda note during the campaign itself, she would probably be speaking on Thursday, instead of Tuesday.
(Price Is Right Sounder): Whomp, whomp, whomp, whomp...(deflated)...whooooomp!
But as good as the upbeat, less annoying tone was...make no mistake, that was the absolute minimal endorsement of Obama, and was really all about Hillary, who I will call "Schillary" now, since she isn't as shrill, but she's still just a shill.
THE NERVE! What a half-hearted endorsement. Don't be fooled. She tagged some of her lines with, "Barack Obama/insert candidate here". But if you are telling me that's as good of a sell-job as she is capable of if she was truly trying to unite the party and not just be a sour grapes, loser -- she isn't very good and is no leader, because that was not very persuasive. (She is shaking her head "no" during her first sentence, "I am so honored to be here today." And watch her mouth tense up when she says, "I support Barack Obama."
You can see Michelle Obama pursing her lips, looking like she's about to jump out of her seat and push Hillary away, when Clinton says, "I haven't spent the last 35 years (insert achievements that she did that Barack didn't here).
When Hillary says, "I didn't spend the past 35 years...and YOU haven't worked so hard over the past eighteen see another Republican in the White House and suffer through failed leadership."
AS IF TO SAY, "Well gee, I know it isn't me, and now Barack is going to lose (see another Republican in the White House). And on the big moment when she launches into the climax, "Barack Obama is my candidate, and he must be our President" -- she delivered it with the conviction and emotion of the Robot on Lost In Space.
I heard a bunch of Hillary's own achievements and stories about her and what people say to her, but I didn't hear anything about the nominee, Barack Obama. Sure did hear the words, "I" and "my" a lot. I think she just took the acceptance speech she had written BEFORE the primary season and read THAT last night. And only had to replace it with the words "Barack Obama" a few times.
What is the benefit of saying (after you read a list of achievements that would make Mother Theresa envious)..."That is why I ran for President" (emphasis on "I") -- before you say, "That is why I support Barack Obama." A non-sour grapes loser who was not kicking off her 2012 Presidential campaign would have just said, "That is why I support Barack Obama."
A little know fact; Zuma Dogg actually trained with a communication consultant that was hired by Bill Clinton during his Presidency (Zuma Dogg trained with this guy, first...then noticed Bill Clinton integrating the same stuff ZD had spent hundreds of hours studying, and indeed, I learned that ZD's communication strategy coach (the one who unleased ZD out of the bottle), was hired for private consulting sessions for Bill Clinton.
People who see Zuma Dogg on TV 35 see me using all of these strategies with every second of every tick of the oublic comment clock.
So she is not gonna pull out the stops and roll out the red carpet for Obama, cause she thinks he will lose to McCain (especially if she goes "half-hearted" like she did last night...AND SHE DID); and she will run in 2012 against McCain in four years.
I know she said some seemingly positive things about Obama and dissed McCain. But the whole nation was watching, so she gave them the minimum requirement of DNC mandated uniting (throwing her support to Obama) so the women on the View could say she did it and she wouldn't be TOTALLY busted/get in trouble with DNC. (It's a thin line and she walked it).
Heard a sound-bite on the radio today where she still just HAD to throw out the "I got 18 million votes, he got 18 million votes " line.
And do not think the "Proud of my country" comment wasn't a slam at Michelle, but there is no way the DNC could tell her to take out "proud of my country," but let me ask there ANYONE reading this who did not immediately link that comment to Michelle's controversial "first time I have been proud of my country" comment?
You can read the entire speech HERE, but it's really about the WAY she says it, than the text. (All that stuff the trainer who worked with Zuma Dogg and Bill Clinton teaches you to be aware of.) You can say, "Have a great day" and mean it, or you can say the same words, IN A DIFFERENT TONE, and get your ass kicked. (Can you say, "Have a great day" in a tone that really conveys, "Have a cursed and lousy f-ing day you annoying a-hole?) So Hillary did THAT last night.
She was there for one reason and one reason only, to make you sorry it's Barack, and not her, and deliver you a speech to make you regret it; steal the show (not support it) and remind people why it should be Hillary in 2012!
CAN'T WAIT TO SEE BILL, TONIGHT. (View LIVE Streaming Video Here.) He's got even less to lose, is way more bitter and angry at this point, and the guy is less-capable of reigning in the self promotion than Zuma Dogg or Villaraigosa.
It's sickening.