Saturday, August 23, 2008

LAANE Back on Zuma's Blog Over New Proposed Lobbying Ordinance For LA City

Exactly this time, one year ago, someone who must be involved in all of this LAANE/Affordable Housing/CRA stuff started mentoring Zuma Dogg on a story about LAANE, CRA, (profitable) non-profit housing, that $8 Million CRA argument with CM Perry and CM Cardenes -- and the LA Weekly ended up doing the story a few weeks ago. (The aftermath of what ZD was blogging about as it was happening inside these meetings at the time.)

I'm too burnt out to run down the details, but here are the original blog posts including LA Weekly story on all of it, anyway.

So now, it looks like the person who was feeding Zuma Dogg the story, this time last year, is back in the comment section of Mayor Sam's blog.

Kinda offended they didn't just send me an express email. AND LET ME JUST SAY...I HOPE SOMEONE PICKS UP ON THIS. Cause if that person thinks I'm gonna monitor comment sections of blogs for the info at this point, the story is gonna go untold unless you send it directly to Jill S, cause even when David Z covers it, he can't give you the realest, dough! (LA Times may go as far as to report there is an argument, but doesn't give the "in between the lines"/what really is at play).

So here's as much as I can do to bring it to people's attention. And that is post it on a main blog thread to get it out of a comment section (un-Googleable) and into a Google (and other) search:

Annoying/Pestering/Pushy Commenter (as I remember it) Said...

New Proposed Lobbying Ordinance for L.A. City:

The County Fed and LAANE want to exempt themselves from lobbying registration requirement, while making everyone else wear "lobbying badges" at City Hall, and allow citizens to sue lobbyists.

The ethics commission is taking it up soon.

Antonio's in bed with Maria Elena and Madeline Janis again. [Remember those names from ZD's LAANE story? Do a Google search for "shady cahootism" and "the right connections you need to get a housing project done."]

AND NOW THEY WANT EVERYONE ELSE TO WEAR A LOBBY BADGE EXCEPT THEM, ACCORDING TO THIS BLOG COMMENT. And ZD recognizes the patterns and feels this person knows what time it is, on the realest, dough.

Meanwhile, ZD would Lu-huh-huv it if these shady, non-disclosing to the public fools who show up for public comment had to wear a badge letting people know they are only there as paid spokesholes who will say anything depending on who is paying them to say it. (What really pissed me off is when one of these paid lobbyists who shows up for public comment only when paid a couple grand, or so...has the nerve to criticize me, one day in council chambers, because when he was watching at home, he didn't see me speak on one of his housing issues he is representing as a paid lobbiest. Well, EXCUUUUUUUUUUUUSE....MEEEEEEEEEEEEE, Noel!