From ZD's inbox:
Right about Tom LaBonge- he's get's out of control all the time. [ZD: To be fair, not ALL the time, just if "Mr. Griffith Park Community Spirit Violator" personally doesn't happen to like what Zuma Dogg is saying at the time; whether the City Attorney and Council President say it's o.k., or not.]
First, he doesn't listen well- once he's heard something that ticks him off, he doesn't hear anything else, so he has no idea of what is said next, including directives to not interrupt.
Next, he doesnt' stop talking, and he pulls out references to any experience he's had in life, regardless of whether his choices are relevant to the matter at hand.
On awards and presentations, he's on overtime in the council contest to slap praise and tribute on their chosen recipients.
Tom needs to think about what he's going to say and cut it in half, preferably more. Or he can just think about what he's going to say.If he could do that, we might get a big reduction in the greenhouse gases around city hall.
If all council members could see themselves on video, they might change their behavior- all of them to varying degrees need improvement.
Just like they tell the public comment people who want more time, "If you have more, you can submit it in writing." That would be a good filtering device for them to follow.
Maybe they have gone off the scale of normalcy in their conduct because they've had a few years of being bombarded by their beloved Antonio as their role model in verbosity and deception.
BTW, WHO had to jump up after your comment segment that included a welcome back to Eric from his "Hawaiian Vacation" and emphasized he was NOT on vacation but "in service to his country" with the NAVY? Wasn't it Tom? Well, duty around Hawaii must be a tad better than, say, the Gulf of Guinea. Poor Eric, what CAN you do with Tom?
Observing from Eagle Rock.
[ZD: Zine is the one who stood up to further clarify as to what Garshady was doing in Hawaii. And although ZD did not say, "Welcome back from vacation" or make any reference as to how the time was spent -- AT LEAST ZINE WAITED UNTIL I WAS DONE...AND THEN MADE A BREIF COMMENTS AS ALLOWED IN THE BROWN ACT! Richard alarCON also felt the need to weigh in with additional follow-up comments to ZD -- AND HE WAITED UNTIL I WAS DONE, AS WELL. So clearly Tom is just a dumb, bully who happens to be in violation of the law as well.]