Thursday, November 6, 2008

Contribute to "Zuma Dogg For Mayor '09" Campaign TODAY with PayPal

Yesterday, I filed with the City Clerk's Election office and declared "Zuma Dogg" as Candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles in the March 03, 2009 general election.

Today, I headed back over to the Ethics Commission and filled out all the required paperwork to start accepting campaign contributions...AND YES -- I CAN USE MY CURRENT PAYPAL ACCOUNT AS OF NOW (FOR NOW)!!!

So if you contribute, I will be able to use the money immediately to print some flyers, bumper stickers, Zuma Dogg For Mayor T-shirts...whatever the budget provides for.

* Give no more than $25 in cash. [So you can give Zuma Dogg $25 in cash when you see him, in person; or can PayPal $25 without any disclosure information.]

* You may not give more than $25 in cash to a candidate. All contributions greater than this amount must be made by a written instrument. Charter § 470(d).

a) contains your name (or the name of the intermediary); b) contains the name of the payee; and c) is drawn from your account (or the intermediary’s account). Contributions of $100 or more may not be made by cashier’s check or traveler’s check. California Government Code § 84300(c). Other rules apply to contributions made by credit card.

CREDIT CARDS: You may make a contribution using a credit card if the candidate or committee to which you are contributing is set up to accept credit card contributions. [ZUMA DOGG IS SET UP THROUGH PAYPAL.] Be sure to disclose whether you are making the contribution with a personal credit card or a business credit card and provide all other contributor information required. FPPC Campaign Manual 2, p. 1-6.

* Provide address, occupation, and employer information: Candidates must have your name, address (including zip code), occupation, and employer on file
before depositing your contribution into their campaign bank accounts. LAMC § 49.7.11(B).

* Make contributions in your own name only.

ALRIGHT Y'ALL...for those of you who want to help ZD raise the level of awareness on the types of issue that I've blogged and commented and called radio about over the past two and a half years...the Ethics Commission has given Zuma Dogg 4 Mayor" the green light, y'all!!!

Make sure you include your address, occupation and employer in the PayPal message field. $1000 limit. And if you PayPal $25, or under, you don't have to include all your info.

(Will get an address for checks soon. You can bring a check by Casa Princesa, 4527 York Blvd in Eagle Rock every Friday at 7pm, or Saturday Morning at 10am-1pm.)

If you don't have paypal account, you can still use a credit or debit card. MAKE SURE TO HIT "Update Total" under "donation amount" box. (You'll see it.)