Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Help Zuma Dogg Keep Momentum: Donate $5.00 on PayPal Today

I'm not complaining, cause I've been plowing along on signature gathering and attended the council meeting today, but again, I'm flat broke, ending another day with $0.00. I got 70 signatures today and hope to attend the council meeting on Wednesday and then hit the streets for more signatures. BUT, I REALLY WILL BE STUCK AND LOSE TIME UNLESS AT LEAST ONE PERSON PAYPALS ME FIVE BUCKS. FIVE BUCKS IS ALL IT WILL TAKE TO SPONSOR ZUMA DOGG FOR ONE DAY'S OF PUBLIC COMMENT. Now do what Mariah Carey said and "Make It Happen!"

If you don't have PayPal account, you can still use a credit or debit card. MAKE SURE TO HIT "Update Total" under "donation amount" box. (You'll see it.)