Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanks To LA City Councilmember Jose Huizar For Flipping Zuma Dogg The Thanksgiving Bird!

HUIZAR'S OFFICE PRESENTS ZUMA DOGG WITH A THANKSGIVING TURKEY: Thanks to Paul, from City of Los Angeles Councilmember Jose Huizar's Office, for driving over to the Casa Princesa to present Zuma Dogg with his complimentary CD 14 constituent turkey that was the last one left from Huizar's Boyle Hts/El Sereno giveaway. Paul told me that everyone on the list had received their turkey, and ONE person didn't pick theirs up, so it went to Zuma Dogg, by default. So Huizar finally gets to flip Zuma Dogg the bird! And ZD don't eat turkey, y'all, so I gave the turkey to someone who really, really wanted it. ZD don't care about the turkey...only the photo op and the fact that ZD got one of those turkeys being given out, y'all.