Saturday, December 6, 2008

Why Zuma Dogg, Wants To Be Candidate for Mayor (Part 2)

Thanks for the extra-good feebback on "Why Zuma Dogg Wants To Be Candidate For Mayor (Part 1)". (Please read it first, if you have not, yet.) The article was written for the December issue of Tom Topping's Boulevard Sentinel newspaper, covering Northeast Los Angeles (Eagle Rock, Mt. Washington, Highland Park, Glassell Park and Cypress Park). Look for it in the December issue of Carlos Morale's The Voice newspaper, too.

Here is Part 2 from article: (But remember to read this set-up first.)

RE-CAP OF PART 1: First of all, the City of Los Angeles is worse than Vegas. At least in Vegas you have set odds. The City of LA will try to get away with anything (in violation of the Constitution, City Charter or even State or Federal Law), then it’s up to YOU, the constituent to sue the City; but most people can’t, the city knows that, and that’s what they plan on.


SOUTHWEST MUSEUM: After two and half years as a Citywide blogger/public comment speaker (advocate, I’d like to think)…no issue has generate more feedback in the community than the little old Southwest Museum up there in Mt. Washington. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has REALLY lost support with scores of Southwest Museum supporters since he took office. He promised the community that he would protect the museum from being raided by the Griffith Park/Autry museum people. NOW, the community feels Antonio has jumped ship onto the other side, allowing everyones’ worst fears to come true. (The up to a billion dollars worth of artifacts will be bamboozled out of the Mt. Washington location and into the Autry’s storage locker.)

PLANNING: If there is any aspect of City Hall where the local residents are having a “Vegas Shell Game” experience, it is with the Planning Department, headed up by CD 1 and CD 14 Councilmembers Ed “Shady” Reyes and Jose “Just Keep My Name Out Of It” Huizar. It’s a real shame (and I consider it a tragedy) what these two professional, career politicians have done to "their" community. I know two HUGE issues here in the Sentinel reading area are the “Hillside Development” ordinance that just went through (The Voice reading area, too); and the Highland Park Transit Village” housing project.

Regarding the Hillside ordinance…the shady Mayor Villaraigosa and his dolt-puppets Reyes and Huizar have imposed a 1000 square foot limit on the hillsides across the two districts. Only problem; people paid a heck of a lot of money for the prime hillside property with amazing views. But now, the city makes the property practically worthless to the land owners, since all they can build is 1000 square foot unit. (Yes, 1000 square feet is a “unit” – NOT a home.) So the City just has to sit back and wait for everyone to sell the property back to City Hall (you may as well call it, “Villar, Inc.) at basement prices. I was at a Neighborhood Council meeting in Lincoln Heights where about 400 people showed up to protest this ordinance. But I guess all the officials from the City probably had their iPods on, or something, cause they obviously didn’t hear…OR CARE!

And I stopped by the Highland Park Neighborhood Council meeting regarding the “Highland Park Transit Village” between 56th and 59th. Zuma Dogg calls it, “Trying to jam too big of a commercial-looking project into some small parking lots, in violation of the historic Highland Park community look because you ignored this type of 'affordable' housing elsewhere all over the city and now you're stickin' it to Highland Park." The City says they are building the housing here because it is right next to the Goldline station. So everyone can live walking distance to the train that goes to the place where there aren’t any jobs…Downtown.

OVERALL: Between ballot measures that are written to be intentionally deceiving (they called a council term extension a “limit” on the ballot; and the new Prop S phone tax a “reduction); violations, variances and exemptions of every planning issue imaginable; and what appears to me and many activists who attend the council meetings regularly; the “fraud, waste and abuse” of public money to provide services to the community (and everything else that comes across the council agenda on a daily basis); you got one guy who is pissed-off and doesn’t like what he sees. His name is Zuma Dogg; and I hope to knock Antonio out of the box and help get on top of some of these issues and help reduce the waste and help reflect the spirit of the community, not the bank accounts of the career politicians and their cronies.

More to come on this never-ending river of shadiness and corruption.

Zuma Dogg

Certified Candidate for L.A. Mayor

HOLIDAY REMINDER: The Zuma Dogg & Mayor Sam Holiday Party is THIS FRIDAY, December 12th at 7pm at Casa Princesa in Eagle Rock (4527 York Blvd.) Click here for details.