As of this post, GOLD was $1042 and ounce, up $24.70 on the Kitco LIVE Gold Chart. Looks like it was even a little higher.
Read all about it on CNBC and Bloomberg. I know this is in response to the Australian rate increase and Wall Street is flying high at the same time oil is expected to rise, job picture is bleak, and GOLD is this high.
PLEASE WATCH YOUR PORTFOLIO ON A DAILY BASIS. There is a 24 hour Gold chart on this blog at all times and I have added the CNBC and Bloomberg links for you to check in throughout the day with. Since my focus is shifting back to a more balanced approach as opposed to wall-to-wall city hall, this is the type of stuff I need to dive back into and see what is up. Because I don't buy all this fake stimulus prop up of the economy and DO feel it's going to come crashing down hard. When, I have to check into. But for now, I'm elevating the alert level to "monitor daily and throughout the day." AND, the markets continue when it is evening and late evening. And you should check in to cnbc and Bloomberg before bedtime to see which way the wind will be blowing in the morning. You might have to wake up at 5am, Pacific Time to start dealing with it. Make sure you have your account set up to be able to press the button to SELL EVERYTHING and convert into cash or whatever is safe, with an internet account. Put in the stop losses. DO NOT GET CAUGHT OFF GUARD.
I am not saying do anything differently today that you would have, before you read this: be aware and make sure you are monitoring the situation on don't leave it to your stock broker. That's like leaving it to your Councilmember. Their interest is usually the opposite of yours and will say anything to sucker you along for the ride.