- RT @Schwarzenegger: Checking out solar cell facility. Tune in for the ribbon cutting. (At least he's still good for damn ribbon cuttings.)
- The day will come when LA Times, then talk radio, will report on Trutanich's anti-trust lawsuit over Wall St credit derivatives swap fraud.
- THE VALUE OF JANICE HAHN'S QUESTIONS DURING COUNCIL MEETING: Sometime elementary school kids watch, and she asks good questions for them.
- TIME FOR BATHROOM BREAK: Lt Gov Kiss-Ass Candidate Janice Hahn is speaking at Council meeting. Never adds ANYTHING. Sickenly shameless.
- CONTROLLER WENDY GREUEL sounds like Foreigner singing "Urgent," NOW, but how come she doesn't DEMAND accountability on lavish Council trips?
- L.A. BADLY needs DWP money transfer cause I don't think Controller Wendy Greuel ever made Dennis Zine pay back cash advance for his trips.
- City of Los Angeles BADLY needs the DWP money transfer into general fund to cover Tom LaBong's Vegas junkets. Tom LOVES speaking in Vegas!
- City of Los Angeles BADLY needs the DWP money transfer into general fund to cover things like Jose Huizar's college reunion trip to NJersey.
- You do NOT create 1 new job by talking about "job creation." You create jobs thru innovative products and services. THEN, jobs are created.
- REASON L.A. is desperate for money grab fee/rate increases & reserve fund transfers is over Wall St "credit derivative swaps." ANTI-TRUST!
- I knew Bernard Parks was a cop, but didn't know he was such a good trial attorney. Just shredded DWP GM Little Hillbilly Shit David Freeman!
- Councilman Bernard Parks NAILING DWP little hillbilly shit GM David Freeman to the WALL, right now. NOT letting David dance around question.
- "Mr. Freeman, you have your cowboy hat on now, so I feel like it's the 'Wild Wild West.'" - Bill Rosendahl to little hillbilly shit DWP GM.
- Council discussing DWP $73 mil transfer to L.A. City general fund. CLA Jerry Miller speaking. In my opinion, he's an INVALUABLE city asset!
- Here's an interesting Zuma Dogg Wikipedia entry. Not bad, even though only 4 yrs of 10 yr history: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zuma_Dogg
- My name is Zuma Dogg: No one in history has represented the voice of more people on their city issue as I have and brought more attention.
- My name is Zuma Dogg: No one in history has uncovered and exposed more fraud, waste & abuse that ended up being printed in newspaper, after.
- My name is Zuma Dogg: No in in history has uncovered and exposed more fraud, waste and abuse as a concerned citizen. Can you dispute that?
- KEVIN JAMES read a list of people who expose city waste: ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE told ZD how amazing his work is. But KEVIN doesn't mention my name in mix.
- I think on the day Controller Greuel announces City is running out of money/can't pay workers, ZD will remind you, HE GAVE YOU 2 YR NOTICE!
- The good thing about KFI 640, KFI has actual reporters at city hall, as opposed to just reading an article out of LA Times.
- Nice to hear Tim Conway, Jr doing EXTENSIVE COVERAGE of L.A. City Budget crisis on MASSIVE KFI 640 signal. REAL SIGNAL GETS MESSAGE OUT!
- I like the stripped down & streamlined http://LACityNews.com. Keeping it basic so people can easily access the breaking city budget news.
- Zuma Dogg Twitter Update for 4/5/10 - Political Commentary in 144 Characters, or less. http://ow.ly/16ZtyT
- EXTRA, EXTRA, Read All About It...City of Los Angeles Announces They Have To Deplete Reserve Fund To Make Payroll (... http://ow.ly/16ZtyU
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Zuma Dogg Twitter Update for Tuesday 4.6.10 (Aka: The Bitter-Cranky Report)
[Pictured: It's been pivotal moments like these that's provided ZD with the City Hall info MONTHS before you read about it in LA Times and hear about it on talk radio. Mike is GREAT! As is CM Bernard, CLA Jerry, CAO Ray, LACERS Sally & Co., Dave Z. and you random wood-work crawler-outers.]