And catch up on previous "Zuma Show" video news updates about L.A. City Council and City Hall, HERE
And here's a fun, blast-from-the-past video from last year when ZD ran for Mayor of L.A., and the city TV channel was FORCED to give me a 3 minute campaign spot. HERE IT IS! Hi, Richie alacrCON! (He pissed me off in chambers as I was heading off to cut this spot, so I remembered to include him, as well, you corrupt asshole, confused DICK (Richard) alarCON!
(Check the Bill Clinton "finger!")
BONUS VIDEO: Here's a recent "Zuma Show" (video news update). Zuma Dogg recaps DWP
workers drinking on the job at strip clubs, in trucks and parks -- and applies QUALITY
MANAGEMENT principals to the issue.
EXTRA BONUS VIDEO: Zuma Dogg Public Comment on City Council FIRST AMENDMENT Crackdown. (ZD says it is ILLEGAL, and is waiting for a ruling from a FEDERAL JUDGE and THEY ARE GOING TO LOSE. Don't be fooled by the response from the lying cry-pussy, Eric Garshady -- The leaderless-LOSER Council President who presided over this entire mess that led us to here. (Oh, I guess he is a LEADER. He LED us to disaster.)