Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Los Angeles Building and Safety Employees: If You Have The Nine-Page Memo from Bud "Unwiser" Ovrom -- SEND IT TO ZUMA DOGG (See Email Address, Here!)

Los Angeles Building and Safety Department: If You are one of the 100 employees who "accidentally" ALSO received the 9-page memo from Bud "Unwiser" Ovrom sent to "Head of Unaccountability" Mayor Anotonio Doucharaigosa -- SEND IT TO

L.A. Times only quoted some of it...they didn't publish the whole memo, and ZD feels there are some more interesting details they are holding back for future editions. ZD don't hold stuff back, y'all...let the constituents see what is happening with their city hall, y'all...don't withhold important information about the city, y'all...send Zuma Dogg the memo, y'all. (I promise to post the entire thing in big bold font.)