First of all, the thought DID cross my mind, that the Feds are putting L.A. Controller Wendy Greuel up to this. After exposing a secret "Gold Card" ticket-fixing program, for City Hall insiders, now she is claiming her office was not getting full access to all the records, so she subpoenaed the Department of Transportation's ass, today. And now she's getting full access. It should be noted that it is rumored amongst ZD inside mover and shakers that the Dept of Transportation (DOT) is just one of MANY departments under Federal FBI investigation. Some suggest Greuel never actually wanted to release the details of this secret, City Hall insider "ticket-fix" program (because elected officials don't blow whistles on each other), but word of an investigation may have leaked, so she wanted to try and get in front of the story. Greuel's exposure of the "Gold Card" program backfired on her, when after claiming she knew nothing about the program, Mayor Villaraigosa not only told the media that she DID know about it, but released documents proving as such. (So either she doesn't know what she was signing/voting for and truly is the Hellen Keller, deaf, dumb and blind moron I've always said she is; or just a flat out liar. Either way, not a very attractive quality for someone who wants to be mayor.) Here's her next step in this Sun-Tzu "Art of War" battle, where Wendy is CLEARLY NOT the city hall-backed candidate. That would be Austin B.
Here's the L.A. Times story on Wendy's Subpoenas: