Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Zuma Dogg Files Brown Act Complaint with Los Angeles District Attorney's Office For Violations on Venice Beach 42.15 Agenda Item (12/13/11 - READ COMPLAINT HERE! http://iRadioLIVE.com - U.S. News, Poltics & Talk)

[PICTURE: BOTH "Before" AND "After" just filed this complaint online.]

Dear Los Angeles District Attorney Office,

Hi, it's Zuma Dogg. Today (12/13/11) L.A. City Council voted and passed Ordinance 42.15 (Venice Beach boardwalk regulations.)

After a round of public comments, at Neighborhood Council, Commission and Committee level, over past couple months; on Friday (12/09/11), the City circulated a NEW DRAFT VERSION, in advance of the 12/13/11 meeting.

On Saturday (12/10/11), Councilman Bill Rosendahl's office sent an email, saying the wrong link may have been posted on Friday (which would have turned it into a 72 hour Brown Act violation.)

Today, the morning of the meeting (12/13/11), after they already called the item to the floor, it was announced there was a still NEW, revised draft -- AND THAT IT HAS NOT BEEN POSTED OR CIRCULATED, YET!

How is the public supposed to reasonably be expected to review the motion? They claim it is now, suddenly an "EMERGENCY MOTION."

There is NO imminent emergency, any more than the usual day to day activity. NO NEW CIRCUMSTANCES PRESENTED ITSELF, TO DECLARE AN EMERGENCY.

Additionally, how was city council supposed to vote on something that had not been circulated, until it was called.

SUMMARY: On Saturday, Councilman Bill Rosendahl's office sent out an email saying the previous email from Friday may have been the wrong link (to the old/wrong version.)

My attorney is not in his office until Tuesday, and I have an unsettled lawsuit with the city on the matter, and he has been in correspondence with the city on this issue.

If they are required to send him advance copy of draft revisions, and his reply; they did not send him, nor myself, a copy of the draft from Friday or Saturday. And, after calling a BOGUS emergency, to allow them to slip in a STILL new draft version, as the item is called, they didn't even post or circulate the new draft for the public, or council.

The Plaintiff