Wednesday, January 9, 2013

GOOGLE TOP TRENDING TOPICS for January 9, 2013: TALK SHOW & BLOGGER TOPICS: 1. pokemon x and y 2. michelle rhee 3. dustin johnson 4. dash diet 5. katherine webb 6. carmelo anthony kevin garnett 7. alex jones 8. chris kluwe 9. rex ryan 10. justified

L.A. CITY NEWS UPDATE: January 14, 2013, Federal summary judgement hearing on L.A. Council's public comment "conduct rules" (interruptions/cut-offs/ejections/30-day bans of Zuma Dogg, hundreds of times, over a six year period.) The hearing is on the rules, on it's face -- and the rules, "as applied" on Mr. Dogg. (An issue of Council's "discretion" of enforcement.) If Judge overturns, all who have ever been cut-off, may be able to sue the City of Los Angeles (A Municipal Corporation).

01-09-13: TRENDING ON L.A. City News (
"Kingpin" Script [GREAT READ on POLITICS via script: Based on L.A. City Hall] 

* "Creative Empowerment Unleahsed" [Based on NLP]

* "Marketing Warfare" Talk Radio Show  [ZD applies "Art of War" to biz w radio industry stories/examples.]

* "Quality & Productivity"  [Deming's 14 Points]

POSTING HOT TRENDS ON GOOGLE, as I expand coverage to include social media online marketing (warfare), this information is useful marketing information, to help drive traffic to your website -- AND, people are generally interested in this sort of information. And lemme tell ya, I don't know a name or event on this list, except Elvis, Bowie, The Super Bowl, UPS & Pokemon. I am REALLY out of touch. I hope that doesn't make me a bad person.


1.pokemon x and y

2.michelle rhee

3.dustin johnson

4.dash diet

5.katherine webb

6.carmelo anthony kevin garnett

7.alex jones

8.chris kluwe

9.rex ryan



1.Pokemon X and Y


WHAT IS UP WITH POKEMON? I remember that from 2000. STILL BIG? Or did some new thing come out? (Oh, FIRST full 3-D game...Ries&Trout ("Marketing Warfare" say, being #1 is #1!

1. pokemon x and y: First full-3D game in the mainline Pokemon series coming to 3DS later this year.
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