Monday, January 9, 2017

Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate Issues Emergency Alert For #LA Residents

Phone/Text: 213.785.7272
ZD at #DWP/#LANCC (Jan 7, 2017)
Greetings, fellow constituents: We have between now, and March 07, 2017, to raise awareness with the general public, that there is indeed an election, coming up (SOON) on March 7th. I enjoyed attending the #DWP/#LANCC meeting, Saturday; seeing many fellow activists/Neighborhood Council members, I haven't seen in many years; and meeting many folks, for the first time. (I'm like a classic rock legend, of politics, now; and even get the pleasure of smiles and good spirit from my competitors. So, I'm rolling with it. Look how I even paid for a shave and haircut. Wow, I must really care.) Let's DO this=#YesOnS!

01.10.17: Zuma Dogg article in @CityWatchLA! 

WATCH: Low video quality; but check @ZumaDogg's first #LAMayor campaign speech @ #DWP/#LANCC=Honchos say this is an important speech for #LA!:

12.30.16: CD 5 Councilman Paul Koretz is SUDDENLY against Caruso's 20-story skyscraper, in heart of Beverly Center/La Cienega traffic jam central, after #LATimes story exposed project & campaign contributions. BUT, the final vote (scheduled for early 2017), will most likely occur AFTER the March 07, 2017 election; in which if Koretz is re-elected, will serve his final term, with no worries of re-election (unfettered development, with no repercussion.) Watch Koretz/Garcetti/Council let Caruso make some mitigation offers; which will allow the project to be approved!  Vote Mark Herd in CD 5 to Replace Paul Koretz: The #YesOnS Candidate LOS ANGELES ALERT - China Developers Planning Three Giant Skyscrapers for Downtown L.A. - China Destroyed American Jobs & Factories...L.A. Is 

Phone/Text: 213.785.7272 - Music/Comedy/Pop Culture

#LA political icon, Zuma Dogg, qualifies as Mayoral Candidate for City of Los Angeles March 07, 2017 election vs absentee, do-nothing mayor, Eric "Garshady" Garcetti. #YesOnS! 

"Legend"/KABC - "Heroic"/KRLA - "Crusader"/Mayor Garcetti - "A superstar, icon. Brilliant."/LA Weekly - "Stunned and amazed. We've never seen anything like him. Treasure."/LA Times "Fabulous"/Tony Robbins: Read what media, business authors and elected officials say about ZD

Zuma Dogg will implement, "The 14 Points of Quality & Productivity," on Day One, at City Hall. READ the 14 Points, HERE! (Based on #Deming) See video. 

 declared a , so my #1 push, as  candidate are THESE affordable homes: Practically indestructible, easily transported and affordable. Each unit is built from new, top quality steel. Link to pictures of some models!   Video testimonials, here.

ZUMA DOGG: Comin' straight off the #Venice boardwalk. L.A.'s real-life, "Wayne's World" ("legendary, cable TV superstar/icon"); turned free-speech/political advocate; and WINNER in FEDERAL court vs City of Los Angeles, when L.A. City violated ZD's (and everyone elses') civil rights at Venice Beach boardwalk; and then at the council meetings, during public comment, while addressing these issues. (See "Public Comment" Videos)

Zuma Dogg - Public Comments: (LEGENDARY-HISTORY): ZD Exposes Fraud, Waste & Abuse: "More Brilliant than Brietbart. Zuma Dogg fought the oppressive, L.A. Council meetings presided over by Garcetti, who banned video cameras. Mr. Dogg prevailed against Garcetti, and now any member of the public may record the meetings, thanks to him." - LA Weekly

* VICTORY=MAYORAL CANDIDATE, MR. DOGG: FEDERAL JUDGE RULES Los Angeles City Council Broke U.S. Law in Censorship of The Public. 

ZD's city hall experience in a TV script: “KINGPIN!”: ZD’s Hollywood TV Script About REAL-LIFE L.A. City Hall Corruption; based on ZD’s real, insider info/actual news headlines.) The names have been changed, to protect the guilty.