Tuesday, February 19, 2008

DWP Rate Hike On LA City Council Agenda for 2/20/08...Sorry VillarNahai...It's Going Back to Committee

The DWP rate increases are on the LA City Council agenda for Wednesday 2/20/08. Tune in for the Councilmember debate, with enough opposition to force "no decision" and Nahai and Villaragosa will be bitch slapped back to committee. (Oh no...think of all the services they will threaten to interrupt while it sits in committee? Won't be able to buy any cases of glass Windex bottles from the 70's at double the price.)

But DWP has a little "rate increase campaign" targeting councilmembers. And ZD says this shiznit is always inevitable. Get ready for a lot of back and forth debate, with a couple CMs taking a stand, only for all to "reluctantly vote yes, this one last time, only because it means the little old ladies won't have their air conditioners brown out.) Read this and see video, and tell me if you think DWP needs a rate hike? Alert the community. Copy and paste this link and send it to others via email.
