Wednesday, March 19, 2008

LA City Council Votes 10-5 To SHUT DOWN Las Lomas Project Against City Attorney's Reccomendation

UPDATE: See audio player below for Smith vs AlarCON over Las Lomas from today's Council Meeting.

Las Lomas...Is it a project, or not?

Looks like the "Rule of 15" is out the window today. Getting pretty combative between CM Smith and CM Richard AlarCON. AlarCON just said, "Our newly found lawyer Greig Smith..." (It's getting passive agressive!) CM Smith wants to stop construction on the project and let the City get sued over it. Smith thinks they can win! The City Attorney advised against shutting down the project because it is likely that developers would prevail with claims for substantial damages.

Open the roll...steamroll the roll...tabulate the vote: 10 yes/5 no on Smith's substitute motion. That means Greig Smith wins, AlarCON loses -- and the Las Lomas project is stopped against City Attorney's advice. Let the lawsuits being. Does the planning director have the authority to initiate a project like this? The City Attorney says, "Yes." City Council says, "too bad."

FEATURED COMMENT BY LA DAILY BLOG'S "CD 14 Watch": CD 14 Watch has left a new comment on your post "LA City Council Votes 10-5 To SHUT DOWN Las Lomas ...":

Alatorre and Hillary Norton Orozco are behind many of the underground actions in CD14. Hillary Norton Orozco and her husband lived in CD14. At one time both worked for the City of Los Angeles. Hillary left the City and worked for the Center City group. Hillary worked in the City of Los Angeles in different positions over the years with Councilman Alletorre, Pacheco, Huizar, and the Councilman Herb Wesson now running for the County of LA.

Hillary was President of The Eagle Rock Association, a neighborhood group who created a set of rules, "The California Specific Plan" which are so unenforceable and hard to follow, Hillary would tell builders, businesses and restaurants that TERA favored; "Dont worry, we'll get you a varience". Orozco had often said "I have friends downtown"

Having worked for almost every Councilmen, as a member of the Central City lobbying group and President of The Eagle Rock Association, she had a lot of friends. It is not supprising that she may or is involved with Huizar and the Autry and Alatorre with Las Lomas. Looks like she still has a lot of friends.

Click here to view the City Council battle
(Click "Jump To" and select item 9)

LA Times coverage

AUDIO: Some people have a hard time watching the videos on the LA City website, so I posted the audio of CM Greig Smith vs CM Richard AlarCON (along with the City Attorney). But how about Greig Smith for City Attorney! Hey Greig, I gotta case against the City. Was gonna call Larry H. Parker...wanna take it instead?

Click here to get your own player.