Friday, April 4, 2008

LAUSD To Investigate Home Depot Shady Cover-up In Sunland-Tujunga

LAUSD boardmember Juile Korenstein said she was shocked to read that the Home Depot in Sunland-Tujunga was moving forward, less than 500 feet from an LAUSD school, since the school board was never notified.

LAUSD was never notified because Home Depot is being shady in their permit practices. Even though two-thirds of the building sits on 10355 Woodward (and is the two-thirds closest to the school), Home Depot filed permits using the back lot 8040 Foothill address, instead.

When previous owners (K-mart) applied for permits, they ALWAYS used BOTH ADDRESSES on EVERY PERMIT they applied for.

Now, Home Depot only uses the shady Foothill address -- because it doesn't trigger LAUSD alert, which would trigger EIRs.

So, LAUSD is going to do an investigation and get a legal team involved to find out why this Home Depot is being allowed to move ahead, when the community fears it is in violation of CEQA guidelines and Southern California Air Quality Management laws. (These are where the laws that protect schools relating to distance and safety are found.)

See Rule 1401.1 written by HD's own Latham & Wakins. A rule that they helped write. that their own client is now circumventing. (Shame on you Latham & Watkins!)

ZUMA TIMES has learned that the City Planning Department knows that these rules are being not being followed (violated) and now LAUSD is going to find out why.

More to come at LA Daily

And here's Public Comment from Lydia Grant on the matter. (It's good. The public comment version of this thread. Check it out!)

Also posted today: Home Depot may lay off workers nationwide
2 year anniversary of ZD at City Hall (4/4/06)