Thursday, June 12, 2008

Parental Outrage Over Neighborhood Council Elections: Don't Use Their Children As Political Pawns In Your Election Racketeering!

From Zuma's Inbox (
In a message dated 6/11/2008 11:21:36 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time


My name is (Parent). I am writing this tonight because I am extremely upset about a note card that my children brought home from school. In regard to the upcoming GEPENC elections. Where I understand you want to reach as many people as possible, I am upset that these candidates went through the children.

They are not allowed to vote, but yet you will use them as vehicles to solicit votes for your slate cam pain. No I did not spell that incorrectly, this is a pain. There is no reason why my children need to be involved in bringing home such political solicitations. It would be one thing if it was information about everyone involved with the elections.

Also I feel like you are falsely representing yourselves, as the "tireless community workers" You are saying that you, and you alone are the only few who work tirelessly for our community. That makes me think that you are saying that others who are running do not met that criteria.

WRONG! I have seen others in action, and boy do they tirelessly work their tails off, yet... no mention of them on this flyer. This is wrong, to use my child is wrong, and shows lack of moral character and integrity. There are some of you on this said flyer who were totally against a new school in our neighborhood, yet, here you are using an existing school to your advantage! Wrong, Wrong, WRONG!

I want what's best for my community, I would have preferred a note on my door. A hand shake, something directed to me, the voter! Where are your ethics? Did it ever occur to you, that you could have taken the time to go to the school, met with the parents personally? There was no reason to have these distributed in school. Wrong, Wrong, WRONG! This is the first time I have ever received anything political directly from the school. I certainly hope it is the last.

Wow, Can't believe that the same people known as the "Right Side Coalition" Peters/ Kaiser/Garsten, who are against Educating your/my kids are using the school, exploiting the same kids they refuse to serve. The location of the school is in a community rich with people of color, yet all I see again is a hand picked Anglo-Saxon slate that does not represent our community! Fair is to have all candidate info passed out not just the selected few, better yet don't pass political stuff out at the elementry level.

Signed, (Parent)