Sunday, May 3, 2009

I've Had Enough of The Nunez Posse's State Bankrupting Cronie-Corruption (And I Plan on Doing Something About It!)

Watch this blog for the story on how a bunch of local political thugs drove this city and state in bankruptcy out of CD 14 over the LACERS and CalPERS pension funds.

Hey Knucklehead and Company, the people you hide behind are sick of you, so they want me to show you how we do it in Dogg-town! And we're going to do it, "ZUMLITO'S WAY! "Keep reading!

See CalPERS Part 1. Part 2 on Sunday.

AND GOOD NEWS: I think this blog (LA Daily Blog) just had it's biggest day of readership EVER, including the most NEW readers. Here are the Feedburner stats for yesterday:

Saturday, May 2, 2009

  • 451 clicks
I saw all my blog posts going to the top of BNN, so I had a feeling, but this looks like a lot more traffic than I am used to. Maybe the radio station program directors should try and figure out why?

I can keep this up all day and all night, now that I have a wi-fi computer that works just enough of the time. (The screen doesn't work all the time.) But, seriously, NOT without A HELL OF A LOT MORE support from the community. PayPal it if you got it.

But THIS part is FREE...
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