Thursday, February 4, 2010

Zuma Dogg's L.A. City News Update on Twitter (for Thursday 2.4.10) - NEW ZUMA DOGG VIDEOS POSTED!

IF ZD BLOGGING ACTIVISM is supported with PayPal donation today ($20 or more), I'll go LIVE ALL DAY on a Budget rant w/ REAL DETAILS. ZD Show (public access show) reruns from the year 2000 till then!

NEW VIDEO POSTED from "The Zuma Dogg Show" from the year 2000. Only a SMALL amount of video has been posted on YouTube and the internet. You've seen "The Library" and some other stuff...but now HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS of videos have been found and will be streaming here on this blog. For example: Only 4 minutes of the Howard Stern appearance has been posted, previously. NOW, the entire 20 minute segment is posted. Plus all the stuff POSTED HERE is good stuff to check out. WILL KEEP POSTING NEW (old) ZD videos.

  1. LU PARKER: How do you go out with a bitch-ass punk like @Villaraigosa. DOES HE WEAR HIS ELEVATOR SHOES in bed? Is he too short to f*ck you.
  2. @Villaraigosa, you LOW GRADE CHUMP: You destroyed your family and the city AT THE SAME TIME: Very effiecient. You're a human wrecking ball.
  3. @ZumaDogg predicts punk-ass bitch Antonio Villaraigosa will have the CRAP beat out of him by city workers on the streets while his whore girlfriend watches.
  4. Was standing next to @Villaraigosa, and I thought I had osteoporosis, cause I thought I shrunk. It was just mayor wearing ELEVATOR shoes!
  5. Zuma Dogg's L.A. City News Update on Twitter (for Thursday 2.4.10) - NEW ZUMA DOGG VIDEOS POSTED!
  6. @josehuizar Make sure you tell Larry Mantle that you are a blind-dummy who knew NOTHING about the budget at the meeting, yesterday, LOSER!
  7. DOW down 200 pts today. That means city's treasury is down, too, since PENSION $$ IS OVER RISKY ON WALL ST. Financial future tied to stocks.
  8. There goes the city's treasury down the drain on Wall Street, today. If Wall Street goes DOWN in '10, City FALLS INTO FINANCIAL BLACK HOLE.
  9. NEW Zuma Dogg Show VIDEOS: FULL 20 minute HOWARD STERN SEGMENT , plus MORE Never Seen Footage from ZD's Video Vault...
  10. RT @abc7: L.A. City Council votes to delay for 30 days any layoff decisions. Police, fire dept. cutbacks on hold
  11. CITY COUNCIL ANSWER TO BUDGET CRISIS: Put all cuts & layoffs on hold and talk of NEW TAXES ON BALLOT. Hahn thinks people will vote to help!
  12. 60,000 low income residents pay ZERO trash collection fee, BUT city doesn't verify low income status once in "lifeline" program. DOH!
  13. 60,000 low income/disabled/seniors currently paying $0.00 trash collection fee will most likely be paying $600 next year. ($25 a month)
  14. Breaking news: In crisis, city hall talks new tax hikes: As the City Council delayed a decision on making layoffs ...
  15. City Council just had an 8 hr meeting where they argued against every cut and pushed all decisions back. Lots of reports/back to committee.
  16. RT @LANow: L.A. budget analyst's report shows council's off-budget accounts
  17. JANICE HAHN, "We need a better word than, 'layoff'." YES, Janice, that IS important! Thanks for mentioning it. AND NOW, back to REAL TALK.
  18. Hearing a lot of GREAT ideas & creative ways to fix budget gap. Too bad it's all a year too late. May as well just SHUT UP. FUTILE EXERCISE
  19. IT'S FUN to watch L.A. City Council boil to death in their own warm and fuzzy "We CAN'T CUT THA'" talk. They're about a year too late. LOL!
  20. DEPT OF JUSTICE is looking into Downtown Real Estate Developer that went BELLY UP! Jan Perry, should be fun to watch, wouldn't you say?
  21. "So we can be the City of angels" talk was 2 yrs ago and 1 yr ago, "warm & fuzzy" talk. You BLEW that luxury through cowardly, non-action.
  22. "So we can be The City of angels." L.A. Council Prez Garcetti's reason to delay firing of 1000 people for 30 days. Warm & Fuzzy BULLSHIT!
  23. CITY HALL CANNOT PULL TRIGGER: Garcetti just announced city will take another 30 DAYS to see if they can prevent firing anyone=$1 mil a day.
  24. YOU DIDN'T GET THIS FROM ZUMA DOGG!!! - CAO Memo To Villaragiosa & City Council...MID-YEAR (THIRD) FINANCIAL STATUS...