Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Zuma Dogg - LA City News - Tweets [Blog Post of @ZumaDogg Tweets on L.A. City Hall for 1/3/12]

[PICTURED: Zuma Dogg's "Man of the Year" (THIS YEAR!) - Carmen "The Clown" Trutanich. How's it goin' so far, chump? Ready for more humiliating losses to ZD? (I beat Trutanich in FEDERAL COURT over 1st Amendment issues.) ZD don't let know CLOWN bully the public. Right, NUCH? How's Nick? Heard he was suffering from an injury while in Iraq. Isn't that what you said on the radio? (Oh, he forgot to say, "while playing soccer at a lawyer convention/NOT military related.)What a CLOWN! Going for the LOWEST form of sympathy. On  backs of REAL vets who risk and lost lives.]

@ZumaDogg Tweets:

NOTE: If you are just checking in to this blog, for the first time, after vacation, scan the blog. Revamped & Upgraded. Designed so ZD can scan EVERYTHING he needs to see, on ONE blog page. Hope you agree, this blog is now the "one-stop-blogspot" for ALL L.A. CITY NEWS. [ZD=I work hard, for you!]