Wed August 06, 2014 TWEETS by Zuma Dogg @ZumaDogg
- : Michael Savage on WHY is shipping diseased illegals into U.S. Read:
(2000 TV Debut on Howard Stern-August 2014)
CLICK FOR: "The Zuma Dogg Show" on YouTube
AUGUST 2014: An article about Zuma Dogg & City of Los Angeles. Here's an article by original L.A. political blog/blogger who followed/reported on ENTIRE #ZumaDoggEra at City Hall as legendary, historic, unseen/will never be seen again icon. (This is just over ONE issue.) Here's the YouTube playlist with the City Hall/Public Comment video history.
U.S. HISTORY (See article): ZD's City Hall - "Public Comment" YouTube page (The History, going down in reality, real time.)
TV/MOVIE SCRIPT by @ZumaDogg: "Kingpin!": Aaron Sorkin-style script based on ZD's City Hall experience 2006-2012 (The Villaraigosa/Garcetti Years). The names have been changed to protect the guilty. THIS IS A REALLY GOOD READ, that is ALL based on REAL & TRUE STORIES. (See also: "The Godfather"/"The Sorpranos.") ENTIRE "KINGPIN!!" SCRIPT on SINGLE WEB PAGE.