Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Why Is Senator Hillary Clinton SCREAMING AND SHOUTING Her Speech In Texas This Evening? She Should Step Down So The Party Can Move Forward

SHE'S SCREAMING AGAIN!!!: Why does Senator Hillary Clinton insist on screaming her speeches like she is doing right now in Texas, this evening?

I don't think I've heard Barack scream yet? Maybe if he started screaming his speeches more people would like him, and he might gain some momentum.

HILLARY CLINTON SHOULD STEP DOWN: Billary should step out of the way of the Democratic nomination and step down with dignity the way Edwards and Romey (on the Republican side) did for the good of the party. With McCain now the virtual nominee, the Democrats need to move forward, too, and all Clinton is going to do by hanging around is divide the party. If she cares about the country, she should do what's best for the party, and step down and let the nominees get started.

LA City Update.com