Clinton wins Ohio!
She looked great tonight in her acceptance speech in Columbus, Ohio. She delivered a great acceptance speech and declared she's in it for the long run. For as much as I have slammed Hillary for being intolerable...since this weekend I have noticed she has really, really improved her public speaking and has become much more likable from the podium. So good job at smoothing over the phoniness. You looked like a real winner up there tonight. I could see her as the nominee based on that speech. (Even though it's all a bunch of fluffy, impossible "great taste, less filling" feel good empty promises.)
But it's all about perceptions, not reality in Presidential elections.
Click here for Hillary's adorable acceptance speech. (Oowee...the new car smell came off Obama tonight.) But there are only 600 more delegates left (will be hard for Hillary to catch up) -- and there aren't any more primaries for a few weeks, so this great Ohio momentum will be history by then.
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