Saturday, April 26, 2008

AUDIO: Zuma Dogg Public Comment on "Density Bonus Nightmare Project at Louise Ave

Here is an email sent from someone regarding the Louise Ave apartment project that was on the City Council agenda yesterday (Friday April 25, 2008). It involves the new SB 1818 Density Bonus that is allowing a 50 foot, 25 unit project to be built on a street of one level homes. ZD spoke on this issue at the City Council meeting. Here is a response sent to Get ready for a lot more of this throughout the city now:


I was at yesterday's Council meeting with my friend. We live near the super-sized apartment being built. I want to thank you for helping us with your public comment. You are so right about "one of these things is not like the other." That Sesame Street refrain is something I personally sang several times about this very project when we first learned of it. [A reference ZD made, after looking at a map of the project with this one giant building popped up in the middle of a bunch of small homes.]

I think it'd be useful to find out how many people tune in to Council meetings through the various venues: video on demand, radio, and Channel 35 re-broadcasts, etc. I bet there's a way to calculate the number of viewers and that might be a good number to keep sharing with Council to remind them that though they may not always be paying attention to public comment, as is evident by their absence from their seats, their visible cell phone calls, etc., their constituents are paying a lot more attention. The votes that might come from their Council member peers, personal campaign funders, family members and colleagues in City Hall combined won't make a dent in their election results, but the people who are tuning in each week will.


[ZD: If the City is allowed to approve a 50 foot building, they are going to approve it. And it doesn't matter where they want to drop it. If they can get away with it legally, that is the only consideration. Beyond that, here's my public comment on the matter.]

Click here for ZD's public comment on SB 1818 Density Bonus project.