Tuesday, April 22, 2008

CM Dennis Zine Responds To Claims That Council Create Motion to "Require" (not just "Request") LAPD To Amend S.O. 40

KRLA's Kevin James and Mayoral Candidate Walter Moore have criticized Councilmember Dennis Zine's motion (Seconded by CM Smith) for "requesting" LAPD to make revisions to S.O. 40, rather than "requiring".

Walter and some others have told ZD that Council can pass legislation to instruct LAPD as to what to do.(?)

As reported last week, CLA Gerry Miller assured Zuma Times that council may only make a request (not require) LAPD on Special Orders; and Zine assured Zuma Times that it would he highly unusual for LAPD to deny a request of a motion signed off by the Mayor.

But ZD was nervous that perhaps someone gave Zine some incorrect info, or perhaps someone had it wrong at City Hall (wouldn't be the first time there was need for clarification).

But after this reply from CM Zine...I'm gonna assume that a "request" is the way it works:

CM Dennis Zine said...I have nearly 40 years of service with the LAPD and have been a city councilman since 2001. I was also the Vice Chairman of the L.A. City's Elected Charter Reform Commission. I know the rules and procedures of the LAPD and those of the City Council. I did not introduce my motion for political gain. I was motivated by the pleas from the Shaw family and did it to help try and save the next student or person from being killed by a gang member who is in our city illegally. I know what we can do and what we can't do. There are phrases, terms and rules we must follow in order to get things done in our Democratic system of government.