Tuesday, April 29, 2008

David Hernandez Checks In With PROP R Legal Update

TUESDAY'S Prop R Action Item Alert

The City of Los Angeles Responds

Five City Council members have started collecting money for a 3rd term...

You can’t make them give it back!

(Eric Garcetti, Janice Hahn, Jan Perry, Ed Reyes and Dennis Zine)

Well my friends, you can see the Prop R Legal Challenge is in full swing. I have attached a copy of the documents filed by the City Attorneys Office.

Please sit down before you begin reading. We are not responsible for any reactions you may experience as a result of reading these documents.


MONDAY'S Prop R Legal Challenge Alert

As announced the City of Los Angeles had until close of business today to file their Respondent’s Brief. Today, Attorneys Harit Upendra Trivedi and Valerie L.Flores representing the City of Los Angeles filed the document.

The ball is back in our court and we will begin the steps to file our final Brief. We have three weeks to respond but will work on getting it done sooner.

Once filed, we will be looking at a 90 day time line to the court room. As soon as the Judge is assigned we will advise.

From Ted Hayes and my self, thank you.

Here is a direct link to the court case.


To review our Brief, click on the following link.

David Hernandez