Friday, April 11, 2008

Zuma Dogg LIVE From City Council Chambers: CM Greig Smith Confirms He Supports CM Zine's Motion, and will be one (of perhaps more) who will second it.

Zuma Dogg just spoke with CM Greig Smith who confirmed he would second CM Zine's motion to make revisions to Special Order 40. This is not to say that he WILL be the CM that seconds the motion.

CM Smith tells me that support is coming in from elsewhere (other CMs, I presume). CM Bernard Parks may support the motion, in the future...but he will not be at the meeting today, so he dodges the vote. CM Rosendahl will most likey not go against the mayor (Rosendahl is unfortunatley a Villar-puppet, and would never cross the mayor on something like this. He'll probably say he needs to hear more about the motion and time to consider it, since it just came to the floor.

So Zuma Dogg aksed CM Smith, "if no one else seconds, will you second?" CM Smith said that he has always been against Special Order 40, but there has been nothing to replace it with. And he said he fully supports the motion." And finally went as far to say that he WOULD second it, if no one else did.

So that means the motion will carry today. Tune into TV 35, or the LIVE internet feed at