Saturday, June 28, 2008

LA City Controller Laura Chick Tells Zuma Dogg More About LA City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo Audit

Thanks to Los Angeles City Controller Laura Chick for taking time out of her busy investigative day to let Zuma Dogg hear some inside chatter regarding her investigation into the worker's compensation program with City Attorney Rocky "Delgadilldo" Delgadillo's office.

According to Chick, Rocky says that he is running his own investigation and that Chick's investigation isn't necessary and would (tangle up Delgadilldo's investigation of his own office). Laura says she told Rocky's office, "FINE! While you conduct your own investigation, bring the files over to my office, too."

So Judge Zuma Dogg says it looks like City Attorney Delgadillo has something to hide or cover up; otherwise, why wouldn't he want the City Auditor to look into the matter to clear up the concerns? And it looks like Laura Chick ain't gonna be bamboozled by Rocky's pathetic attempt to keep things un-accounted and non-transparent.

Hey Rocky, I hope you don't try to hire outside council! Zuma Dogg would be against that during public comment.

NOTE: Ron Kaye has kicked off his "Take Back LA" campaign...not to be confused with Zuma Dogg's "Take Back The City" Campaign that I have been using on City TV 35 and blogging about for the past couple of months. I guess I should have clarified when I said, "Take Back the City" -- I meant LA City. But both campaigns are working toward the same goal, I think: NO ANTONIO '09!