Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Thanks To Paul Koretz for Letting Zuma Dogg Eat Free Excellent Food At House Of Blues Party

Ooops, earlier I said Mayor, I meant Councilmember of CD 5 (Jackass Weiss' District):

Zuma Dogg got a call to attend an event at House of Blues for Paul Koretz. The person who invited me said it was for Mayor. And a second person repeated the mistake to me. My bad...it was for Councilmember to replace Jackass Weiss.

It was a nice event, on the Medical Marijuana activist tip. Paul is the legislator who introduced ZD's favorite Bill of all time...SB 420 (Medical Marijuana) and was the co-chair of the Medical Marijuana Select Committee.

Hertzberg is backing someone else. Koretz has the labor union support. The event featured some very excellent coconut shrimp and A.J. from the Backstreet Boys was there, but I enjoyed the event anyway.

So you can be a big crybaby that I posted Mayor instead of CM on the blog on the way out to the event...but the point is, I was invited and you weren't, loser. And I think the guy gets an automatic ZD endorsement since he wrote SB 420 (Medical Marijuana). The only thing that could prevent an automatic endorsement by Zuma Dogg would be an automatic endorsement by Antonio.

Antonio is such political toast in this town, he might start endorsing people...just to help the other candidate, as a political strategy. In this case, Antonio will have Rosendahl endorse Koretz instead in that part of town. (Rosendahl is Villar's Westside Puppet Guy he puts out as a shill in that part of town.)