Wednesday, July 9, 2008
CM Jose Huizar to spend $200,000 for 12 Kids To Canvas Boyle Heights Regarding Broadway District Project
Perhaps ZD was overly medicated today, because this sounds so outrageous, I must be wrong, because no one could be so arrogant and stupid to try something like this; but did I just hear Los Angeles City Councilmember Jose "Wyvernwood" Huizar say that he was going to spend $200,000 of City taxpayer money for 12 kids to canvas the Boyle Heights neighborhood for feedback about his new Broadway District development project? All part of the "youth development" program. I can think of 200,000 better ways to spend that money during this economic crisis.
Just for doing this, Jose, I am going to run bad pictures of you, all summer, in celebration of your summer "youth development" summer job program.