Saturday, July 26, 2008

Coming Soon...The ZUMA DOGG Photo Gallery


Pictured: ZD waits for public comment in his vehicle.

Hey Eli your heart out (along with your fancy wine and cheese). Zuma Dogg just uploaded hundreds of digital still shots from his camera taken over the past few months at City Hall and elsewhere around town. I don't know where to start, so here are a few of the pictures ZD will be working in blog posts (among the hundred others). Maybe I should make a program and sell them at City Hall like at the Circus of a rock concert. My art museum is better than your's Eli. And it wasn't subsidized with Prop 1c Emergency Shelter money for Women, Children, Elderly and Disabled. Gee, is there anyone else the Grand Avenue Park Project could have ripped money away from?

Pictured: City Hall from ZD's parked vehicle waiting for "public comment"