Friday, August 1, 2008

Eric Garcetti Can't Count To Five And Council Prez Has To Tell Tom The Bong To Sit Down And Shut Up (AGAIN!)

Someone needs to teach Los Angeles City Council President Eric (Garshady) Garcetti how to count to five please. Because he doesn't seem able to and the result is Zuma Dogg getting cheated out of a minute (full agenda item's worth) of time!!! (And I bust my ass to make it to the meetings, so I want the same amount of time as everyone else!)

See, you get five minutes a day to speak on agenda items (in addition to the two minutes for general public comment). But today, Eric only gave Zuma Dogg four minutes cause he couldn't count to five.

It's bad enough ZD had to endure Councildummy Tom The Bong jumping up out of his seat and causing a disruption of my speech that ended with Eric having to tell Bong to sit the hell down and shut the hell up (AGAIN!) So not only does Tom not know about the law prohibiting him from interrupting me -- he isn't even right about what he is jumping up about!!! (LOL!)

So Tom, let's put it this way: The council meeting is a football game. And the Council President and City Attorney are the referees. And during the game (when Zuma Dogg is speaking, I mean running a play) -- we can't have people standing on the sideline running onto the field throwing flags and interrupting the play. (That's what the officials are for.) And if you do something like that (break the law in a football game), you get a penalty, Tom. (You should know that.)

So start worrying more about not pissing off the entire community over your Griffith Park commercial mixed-use zone you are trying to sneak past your constituents in violation of the community plan and conditions in which the land was donated to the City. (But now, you have Griffith's grandson saying Mr. G would be rolling in his grave over your plans, Tom.)

So worry about that, and help Eric learn to count to five.