Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It's True...Zuma Dogg is Downtown and READY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT

It doesn't matter how I am doing, for those of you who know how I am doing. If you think I am going to let City Council off the hook on their first day back, well to quote the immortal Dr. Dre...

HELL NAW! So tell Garcetti to stick some Krazy Glue on Tom LeBong's ass, cause ZD doesn't want to see him jumping up like a crazed, out of control lunatic, when Zuma Dogg is informing the public that the F.B.I. investigation into Rocky, is just the tip of the iceberg, and that men in suits have already been to the ITA department looking into the email retention policy, and this will open things up to a "fishing expedition into City Council" as my source speculates.

SO YEAH...see you at 10 AM you 15 walking rico violations...AND BE ON TIME...I'M BUSY AND CRANKY!

And in case you forgot, here are some photo memories of the past four month round of meeting, as attended by Zuma Dogg, for your sentimental pleasure.

AND ZD HEARS THE NO HOME PEOPLE ARE MAKING AN IMPACT, AND HD MAY TAKE THE BALL AND GO HOME!!! (Keep the pressure on in Sunland-Tujunga! They're feeling y'all!)
