Thursday, October 23, 2008

Information on Monday's Public Safety Committee Meeting on Special Order 40/Jamiel's Law

Jack Weiss' Public Safety Committee to hear Zine/Smith Special Order 40 Revision/Jamiel's Law discussion this Monday. Councilmember Dennis Zine says LAPD Chief Bratton should have made his long-awaited "clarification" by then -- and Zine promises a special surprise guest to provide testimony who has a lot of respect and credibility in this area of S.O. 40. (Easy money is on Former LAPD Chief D. Gates.) Should be a big crowd. Here's the info if you would like to attend.

Monday October 27, 2008

The location for Councilmember Zine's Motion has been changed. It will now be heard in the Formal Council Chamber located on the 3rd floor! Brian Perry from Councilman Zine's office confirmed the hearing date, time and the new location. It has been confirmed for Monday, October 27, 2008 at 9:00am. This is a very important hearing because Zine's Motion, Special Order 40 and Jamiel's Law will be discussed! I'm hoping that every person who supports Jamiel's Law will support Zine's Motion!
- Jamiel Sr.

9:00 a.m. - City Council Chamber - Downtown City Hall
Chair: WEISS, Vice Chair: SMITH, Members: PARKS, REYES, ZINE

Maybe the L.A. Times will even mention it, now, for the first time?