Sunday, October 12, 2008

Zuma Dogg CD 14/CD 1 Cultural Update (CIty of Los Angeles)

Life takes interesting twists and turns. This one, from Venice Beach to the east side of Los Angeles (Eagle Rock, Glassell Park, Highland Park, Lincoln Heights, El Sereno, Rose Hill, Boyle Heights and some unincorporated cities in between).

All the things I was trying to do and experience on the west side is all unfolding for ZD on the northeast and east side of town.


Thank goodness my public advocacy "paid off" by having a whole new group of friends and sense of community that has helped ZD jumpstart his mini-comeback with his "Casa Princesa" party last Friday, where the "Zuma Dogg Vegas-Style Review" and $"$5.00 Gift Store" made it's debut as part of Zuma Dogg's "Z.A.P.'s Economic Development Task Force."

Zuma Dogg will perform "Hell's Bell's" (Acoustic Version) and other rock classics this Friday at Casa Princesa!

AND NOW...Zuma Dogg will be hosting the "Mayor Sam 4th Anniversary Party" THIS FRIDAY at the same location. Casa Princesa at the edge of Highland Park, near Occidental College, just east of Eagle Rock Blvd, on YORK BLVD and Ave 45. (See flyer on LA Daily Blog and Mayor Sam's Blog.) Y'ALL GOTTA COME OUT AND PAY TRIBUTE TO MICHAEL "MAYOR SAM" HIGBY!!! If it's his FOURTH (4th) Anniversary of his blog...THEN THAT MAKES HIM A TRUE PIONEER OF BLOGGING! Especially when you consider how it has rocked so many shady people's world!

(Even if we all can't wait until the Presidential elections are over and it's back to all local! Hey, his blog...his indulgence. And after November 4th, it will be back to more local business for another four years!)

EAGLE ROCK/HIGHLAND PARK ART WALK: I forgot who throws it, but the SECOND Saturday of every month, there is an "Art Gallery Walk", or something like that on York Blvd and some of the other streets in the ER/HP area. ZD popped into several of the art galleries in Huizar and Reyes district. AND I GOTTA SAY, whoever promotes this, it really does help the businesses in the area and the entire area, because several business owners told Zuma Dogg that the area is always, "extra good" during the second saturday of every month for this event.

ZUMA DOGG'S $5.00 TOY STORE IN ROSE HILL!: This morning and this afternoon, Zuma Dogg joined his friends Carlos Morales and Geroge of the Voice, Anthony Manzano, Michael Carreon, a few random people who recognized ZD from City TV 35, and a bunch of really nice kids and parents in Rose Hill and Our Lady of Gudalupe Church for an annual festival they had on Sunday. ZD's research says, "Slime" is the item to go with for either girls or boys. Followed by the little "flashlight fingers." And the boys like the little "lego-like" cars sets and trucks made of Pepsi and Coke cans. AND OF COURSE, Hannah Montana crap for the girls. (And OH BOY, are the parents sick of buying HM stuff.)

AND, the show-stopper Zuma Dogg had to give the people what they wanted, and even though I was there to "earn", I had to leave the booth to bust out two Bee Gees classics for the masses after Sunday Mass..."You Should Be Danicing" during the first break of the LIVE "cumbia" band (they really were FANTASTIC...great harmonies for some band playing for free at the church)...then, by popular demand, even though Zuma Dogg was dehydrated, tired and body feels like a bag of quicksand, an encore of "Staying Alive" was delivered to the crowd, along with the Justin Timberlake style dancing and "I'm auditioning for American Idol" routine for the kids, parents and grandparents who all moved they heads and clapped they hands. Some kids ran up and acted goofy! (LOVE the "confetti eggs" and they are added to ZD's $5.00 Gift Store".)

THEN, as if it couldn't get any better...The LAFD let Uncle Zuma Dogg sit in the fire truck seat and hand out free "neon bracelets" to ALL THE LITTLE PEOPLE CHILDRENS as part of Z.A.P.'s "Halloween Safety Awarness" campaign.) Kids wear these neon bracelets and necklaces that glow in the dark, when they "trick or treat." (So that cost Zuma Dogg five bucks for the photo opportunity. SEND ME THE PICTURES CARLOS!!! THAT SH*T COST ME FIVE BUCKS!)

BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT REPORT: Zuma Dogg likes some of the low-budget concepts in CD 14/CD1 that falls in line with his Z.A.P. (Zuma's Action Plan) Economic Development strategy.

Premise: In this down economy, forget Grand Avenue Project and LA Live boutique shop, forget Target, even forget Wal*Mart. I saw a nice little "Halloween Only" store on York Blvd that set up in a previously vacant retail location. (WIN-WIN, y'all!!! The people get "low-budget" Halloween costumes -- not Austin Powers or Batman, but a nice/generic costume, especially for the real young kids who don't know the difference.

I saw an "All Sports Jersey" store, lots of .99 cent markets with staples and apparel. And hopefully, ZD can fill up as much shelf space and farmers market parking lots with "$5.00 Gift Store" Items. MANY ITEMS $1.00!!!

MONDAY: The Shaw Family is holding an event rally on Monday (detail to follow) and Zuma Dogg will be there to review the November 4th ballot and give the Z.A.P (Zuma's Action Plan) recommendations and candidate slate. (In case you can't make it...NO ON ALL BONDS AND TAXES. Complete review coming to LA Daily Blog.

AND CLEAR THE CALANDAR FOR THIS FRIDAY AS MC ZUMA DOGG HOSTS THE "MAYOR SAM 4th ANNIVERSARY PARTY" at Casa Princesa where Glassell Park meets Highland Park meets Eagle Rock. It's not a heavy political rally...people talk politics, of course...don't hear much sports talk...but it's karoke, LIVE singer/guitarists, ZD's Vegas Style Revue, MAYOR SAM -- HE SINGS, TOO, Y'ALL!!! (I hope Matt Dowd will be there to jam on his guitar...I got feedback about his playing today at the Rose Hill church event!!!)


Click here for flyer.

Thanks to everyone in CD 1 and CD 14 for rolling out the red carpet for ZD and giving him that "community feeling" where he bumps into friends around town, and is close-by when someone calls about "Arnold Schwarzengger being at Taylor Yard" or about today's Fair in Rose Hill, the art walk...the Casa Princesa party, and upcoming party...ALL OF IT...thanks to the people in the area!