Thursday, May 14, 2009

LA Daily Blog - NewsWIRE: Pensiongate Inquiry Focuses on Ex-Bush Official

via NYT > Business by By ERIC LIPTON on 5/14/09
The former Bush administration official is under investigation for inappropriate contacts with Wall Street firms seeking to obtain lucrative contracts.

via Los Angeles News on 5/14/09

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa urged the City Council on Tuesday to declare a fiscal emergency to hasten mandatory furloughs and layoffs for an additional 1,000 city workers.

But Councilman Bill Rosendahl, a police expansion advocate who cast the tie-breaking vote, says he felt a need to end the 'smoke and mirrors' in the city's budget.

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on Thursday criticized three City Council members who voted to cut police hiring, accusing them of "devastating public safety" while preserving pet projects in their council districts.

via Latest Video on 5/14/09
War between Pelosi, CIA looms

The mayor, weighing a gubernatorial run, has raised funds and rallied supporters to the side of his closest ally on the City Council, who is now running for city attorney.

In the four years since he became mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa has thrown his weight behind an array of politicians and would-be officeholders, working to elect candidates to the school board, the Legislature and even president of the United States.

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via Reuters: U.S. on 5/14/09
(Reuters) - California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is planning the sale of some state properties including the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, San Quentin State Prison and the Orange County Fairgrounds to raise cash, the Los Angeles Times said, citing a copy of a proposal.

Budget committee recommends police hiring freeze, 800 more layoffs, 26 unpaid furlough days and cuts to parks, libraries, street-paving and other city services to close an expected $530-million gap.

The Los Angeles City Council on Wednesday got down to the grim business of slashing spending to make up for an expected $530-million budget shortfall, starting with a possible police hiring freeze, mass layoffs and mandatory unpaid furloughs for city workers.

California State Treasurer Bill Lockyer asked in a letter to U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to extend financial assistance for the nation’s most populous state and other financially strapped states and cities.

L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is asking the city council to declare a fiscal emergency, clearing the way for furloughs and layoffs.

Budget committee recommends police hiring freeze, 800 more layoffs, 26 unpaid furlough days and cuts to parks, libraries, street-paving and other city services to close an expected $530-million gap.

The Los Angeles City Council on Wednesday got down to the grim business of slashing spending to make up for an expected $530-million budget shortfall, starting with a possible police hiring freeze, mass layoffs and mandatory unpaid furloughs for city workers.