So from now on, you don't even have to go to this blog to see the latest postings. And you don't have to go to Twitter for the latest ZD rants and tweet updates.
And you don't have to search YouTube, or Google or anything. I think I've finally consolidated everything I need to see in one place: ZumaShow.com
It also includes a new feature "L.A. Daily Blog - NewsTweets": All the stories across the internet I like for the day (my own blog/show prep) in "Twitter" form. (Zuma's custom newswire, basically.)
So if you want to pop in to check in on the latest with ZD and any latest blog posts, radio shows and breaking news tweets -- you can do it all from here now: ZumaShow.com
I plan on focusing more on ZD Tweets and Re-Tweets (of other news stories of interest to ZD) and the radio shows (which are better than blog posts) -- as opposed to doing it all as blog posts on my LA Daily Blog.com.
I'll still post blog threads on L.A. Daily Blog when a blog post fits, but BlogTalkRadio (Zuma's Talk Radio Show) & Twitter are "faster" and the way my new website is arranged, you can check in throughout the day more often for more updated content than on a blog. (It's called a "website," I guess.)