- SHOULD BE OFFICIAL CITY HOLIDAY: ZD's most important annual day, more than birthday, is 4 YR ANNIVERSARY of 1st trip to City Hall (4/4/06).
- REAL reason I don't like ANYONE to call anymore: I listen to music on my mobile device. When phone rings, it cuts off the jamz. Use email.
- Without financial stability, I just don't have nerves to be my own blog, youtube, webcam, podcast, social services tech guy, anymore. 10yrs!
- My DWP bill (low-income plan) was $4.00 this month. Imagine with increases, could skyrocket to $5.00!!! OUTRAGEOUS! Please stand up to this!
- CREATIVELY, I feel like recording tonight's council replay on DWP, cause it was the best meeting I've seen, but why bother/not on salary.
- If I lose ONE DAY where I didn't do AS MUCH AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE to somehow get my message out on a larger platform, I spontaneously combust.
- After 4 years of being someone everyone felt compelled to contact over ALL the worst problems, the negative energy has made me too cranky.
- IF I DIDN'T HAVE THIS BIPOLAR CREATIVE FORCE I never would have shown up for one council meeting or produced one video. Just need $20 a day.
- BLESSING IS THE CURSE: Unfortunately, secret sauce behind most creativity (especially comedy & activism) is seeing the problem in ANYTHING!
- BIPOLAR CONFLICT: Just because I physically may not be able to do anything productive due to stress, doesn't mean still not driven that day.
- Unfortunately, it's an intense energy that drives the creativity I love so much, with so much force, but w/out enough fuel, engine overheats
- DO I, or DON'T I?: BIG issue for me is walking away from blogging, but now that I've eaten, I feel like doing a web-show as creative outlet.
- When I post "Disaster Averted," I know it means not another doughnut will come my way today, but don't want people to worry for no reason.
- Forgive me for not watching or caring about the DWP rate increases. My DWP bill was $4.00 under my low income plan. Not my NIMBY issue. LOL!
- DISASTER AVERTED: Thanks to my social services center, councilman, some press folks and robert g for helping to keep the ZD ticking, today.
- HERE is where the DWP rate increase story would have been posted. Read about it somewhere else, I guess whenever they get it posted.
- @ZumaDogg wishes someone would lift HIS spirits the way he lifted so many others over the past ten years. But through ACTION, not wishes.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Zuma Dogg Evening Update for 3/30/10 - TWITTER UPDATE Lends Glimpse Into Mind of ZD (Read At Own Risk!)
Huh...huh...huh...as some of you may know, ZD had a case of the "Monday's" even on Tuesday and YIKES did some of you media professionals get a cranky voice mail or email from ZD letting you know my displeasure with you and your local media coverage. But that was the LEAST of my problems...and thanks to the people who helped extinguish the flame. I should be A-O.K. for the next 24-48 hours, and I'm not a diva and don't want to my homies who have supported me in the past and present to wonder or worry about me, so I wanted to pop in to let you know that I'm out of the danger zone...but these time between episodes is shortening -- and that's adding to my stress level. But as long as the coast is clear, I'm gonna try and crank out some productivity, cause that's why people support me...so I can carry on with the activism blogging and videos...and I like to do it when I have twenty bucks, or so, to operate under. So now that I do, I'll probably let the good times roll and catch up on a lot of stuff and do a LIVE webcam show later this evening...and here's an update on things, otherwise known as a glimpse into the mind of ZD.