A Personal Message from Degé Coutee of Patient Advocacy Network and Patients for Compassionate Use Policies
(Please post to your social networking sites.)
Greetings Concerned Medical Cannabis Advocates of Greater Los Angeles,
I am pleased to announce that a petition to recall Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has received approval from the City Clerk and we start gathering signatures April 20, 2010 (Clerks’ choice – not ours :). We are holding a press conference tomorrow at City Hall at 9:30 a.m. and media has confirmed attendance. I encourage you to attend. Details are in the press release below.
I also encourage you to get involved. I, along with other community activists, have formed RecallCityHall.org. We are empowering Angelenos to take back the City by getting rid of lousy officials. The outcry to get rid of the Mayor has been huge and proponents for the petition quickly stepped forward.http://www.laobserved.
There has been some outcry to also launch a petition to recall Bully Carmen Trutanich but not enough proponents have stepped forward to get an affidavit submitted to the Clerk. Would you like to fire Trutanich along with Villaraigosa??? I know I would but I can’t do it alone. I need other concerned people to get involved. http://vimeo.com/
Please contact me about volunteering, signing the petition, becoming a circulator, recalling Trutanich and others. You can subscribe to RecallCityHall.org by responding to the email with ‘subscribe’ in the subject line. You can also sign-up through the website RecallCityHall.org in the upper right corner.
I cannot think of a better way to celebrate 4/20 in Los Angeles than to take real political action to change the power structure of our City and send a strong message to every elected official that we are taking back LA! We are not going to be pushed around and treated like stupid stoners. Are you with me?
In Liberty,
Degé Coutee
Director, Volunteer Coordinator
(323) 632-8238 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (323) 632-8238