- I'd LOVE to talk to you today, but you would say something that will never come to be - and you'd become a liar. Don't wanna do that to you.
- MORATORIUM ON TALKING TO OTHERS: I have found the best way to make sure one does not turn into a liar is to not talk to anyone at all.
- BLOG NOTE: Just because my computer is working again, thanks to Phil J., do not confuse it to mean it's time to start contacting ZD. DO NOT!
- Is there some kind of FCC rule that local radio talk show hosts are not allowed to discuss a city issue until it is printed in LA Times?
- WHAT MAKES A GOOD ACTIVIST: If you are able to represent an opinion that may make things worse for you, but better for overall city picture.
- REASON I KEEP MY POLITICAL MOUTH SHUT: All you nutty NC wackos only see 500 ft from your own doorstep; you non-big picture, selfish dummies.
- REASON I KEEP MY POLITICAL MOUTH SHUT: Council just took $700 MILLION to cover pension losses but YOU don't cover it. Only #1 issue EVER!
- REASON I KEEP MY POLITICAL MOUTH SHUT: Parks calls conflict allegations "fairly serious" on ZD's #1 most blasted issue and you don't cover.
- If there were "fairly serious allegations of conflict of interest" regarding BIG CITY LAWSUITS, wouldn't you mention it on your radio show?
- RT @Zumadogg you're a good Samaritan. Can't wait to see you blow up. Met you on beach once (Black lady all about politics). Impressed me!
- If I WERE to ask for favor it'd be to use your laptop audio studio to record a new political song. But I don't dare talk to people anymore.
- Did you know the WORST thing you can do? http://ow.ly/18h7WM
- If my nutrition & financial situation stabilizes, hope to do some new video updates and blogging soon, but I'm still in the red-hot zone.
- Thanks to Phil Jennerjahn for taking THE BUS to drop off a new power cord for ZD's laptop computer that he bought for me on ebay. WOW!
- I'm out of hats and out of rabbits. Don't be a dumb fuck who uses the word "tomorrow" when speaking. A meaningless word that I am out of.
- Don't think I need to remember to turn on the AM radio at 12 midnight if the show only re-reads articles out of LA Times.
- Once Alarcon is soon found guilty, does he have to resign, or do we have to wait until he goes to jail for voter fraud?
- How can an arrogant, greedy, angry, dumb, liar and cheat be found anything but "guilty?" Don't expect Richard alarCON to be found innocent.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Did you know the WORST thing you can do?
I gutted the previous post and replaced it with this morning's bitter-cranky "Twitter Update for Dummies." (And if you're the typical activist/NC member, you ARE one.)