- RT@LosAngeles: Google TV plan is causing jitters in Hollywood. (Your current stable of Hollywood writers SHOULD be what's giving it to you.)
- Eli Broad says his art museum "absolutely" coming to Downtown LA. Santa Monica loses out. (No, Eli, the deals YOU get, think LA loses out!)
- City of Bell lent employees, elected officials nearly $900,000. (Because they JUST couldn't squeak by on $800,000+ a year!)
- RT@LATimesgreen: Toxic levels of oil found in gulf area crucial to fish http://goo.gl/fb/ehvrH (REALLY? WHY? Any unusual event, recently?)
- RT@latimes: L.A. drivers still fuming over Obama traffic; investigation demanded! (GOOD LUCK ON THAT ONE!) Take a helicopter next time, bro!
- RT @LosAngelesCP: Free Monthly Venice Art Crawl Launches This Thursday Night. (THOUGHT they had a DAILY one. Called VENICE BEACH BOARDWALK!)
- 10 Reasons Why L.A. is the 'Coolest City on the Planet,' According to GQ Mag. (Unless you're talking about extra cool summer, YOU'RE CRAZY!)
- RT@latimes:Eli Broad museum OK'd by supervisors, virtually a done deal. -Yeah, like the second "The Broadfather" decided he wanted to do it!
- JUST COUNT THE DAYS until "off road racing" is banned on Federal property. Need a safety law passed? Create unsafe situations! Be creative!
- HOW'S SHE GONNA GET BY? ONLY A GAZILLIONAIRE!: Dr. Laura to leave radio amid controversy. Thanks, Laura! Just increased L.A. unemployment!
- BELL OFFICIALS: Reason they needed $800,000 when making $800,000/yr in first place. (Salaries did not account for cost of living increases!)
- NUTTY L.A.: Group Calls for LA Times Boycott Over Plans to Publish LAUSD Teacher Performance Data (HOW ABOUT BOYCOTT OF LAUSD OVER DATA!)
- Who's the idiot who popped into music stream during BEATLES "LET IT BE" & immediately popped out? Need a BIGGER classic? http://ZumaShow.com
- I'm no Brian Wilson. NEVER could have written "Good Vibrations." Never heard of the word "excitations!" (Even though it passes spell check!)
- If power goes out in ZD's area, would lose Zuma Music Radio stream and several people would be without music! http://ZumaShow.com
- RT @LANow: 2,000 without power in Marina Del Rey http://lat.ms/avYii7 (HEY! That's MIGHTY close to ZD territory. FIX THE TRANSFORMERS HERE!)
- RT@nytimes: Dr. Laura Schlessinger to End Radio Show. (NOW, what are a bunch of nutty shut-ins going to do with themselves? 9-1-1 get ready!
- EVERYTHING'S FINE! (As long as I don't go outside.) Too much non-compliance & non-enforcement. It ALL triggers ZD's b-p. Especially drivers!
- Joe Walsh SLAYS me..."Think it's safe to say, time to open fire." (Never caught the tongue in cheek political humor on that one!)
- HURRY! DIVEST IF YOU HAVE ASSETS. READ THIS ARTICLE. They ain't gonna get the money & CAO announces IMPASS w Unions. http://bit.ly/btyqgN
- If you're checking the blog wondering why postings look 10 yrs old: Celebrating, ZD debut in Aug '00. An event celebrated throughout County.
- RT @LosAngeles: California pension reform effort loses support. GOOD! Cause it's MOST IMPORTANT issue and activists NEVER supported, either!
- ZUMA MUSIC RADIO: ZD is no racist, so he mixes in Shania Twain & Carrie Underwood along with guy rockers like Stones, CCR & Kings of Leon!
- ZUMA MUSIC RADIO: If you tune in at 5a-9a, could hear Air Supply, Celine, Barry & Babs soft hits. But Rockin' Oldies or Disco at 5p-9p.
- YOU'RE NEVER GONNA LIKE EVERY SONG ON ANY RADIO STATION: But Zuma Music Radio is designed to keep you happy (enough), all day & night long.
- INDICTED Alarcon only installed alarm in fake house in March. Says didn't know city could do that. NO WONDER CITY IS SCREWED. HE'S AN IDIOT!
- Dear Hollywood EMPTY-HEADED LOSER who spent MILLIONS on a program only to have your target audience watch "The Zuma Dogg Show," instead. LOL
- Zuma Dogg=ALL TIME GREAT: ZD can spit topical comedy improv for 30 mins straight. These IDIOT talk show hosts need 13 writers & prompter?
- OH NO! I have to go OUTSIDE! And not only that, BIKE 10 miles, round trip, right now when I'm cranky, lazy & tired. LOOK OUT PEOPLE OUTSIDE!
- Greetings From ZUMA DOGG - New Blog Posts For 8/17/10 - The Comedy & Tragedy of Los Angeles City Hall (Plus Hollywoo... http://ow.ly/18CaVL
- ZUMA MUSIC RADIO: Music combinations that make radio consultants uncomfortable. But to YOU, it'll just sound like a bunch of good music.
- ZUMA DOGG Twitter Update for 8/17/10: Politics, Political Comedy, Hollywood DISH & DIRT & MOST IMPORTANTLY, American... http://ow.ly/18C8d6
- "Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now' happens to be an EXCELLENT request, cause ZD suggests any political candidate use this song at events & rallies!
- AWE YEAH, ZD just got first request via email for a song on Zuma Music Radio, Here's McFadden&Whitehead, "Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now on ZMR!"
- Even though just got out of bed at 1p, been up since 11a! Due to cutbacks, I moved my 3p money saving nap to 2p for extra hour of savings.
- L.A. City activists remind me of a 500 tentacled octopus with each tentacle trying to swim in it's own direction to benefit single tentacle.
- As someone tutored & instructed by some of world's top authors/consultants, I can tell you LA activists are too nutty for city's well-being.
- Politicians may be greedy, but I can't think of anyone more selfish & self-centered than an L.A. City activist. #2 reason for this mess!
- I have to sit here and watch every other city get busted by FEDS for corruption while big kahuna swims freely? BEEN TO L.A. MAYOR'S OFFICE?
- Boy, when ZD looks back on past decade, he realized Adam Sandler and Carmen Trutanich would probably be great pals. Have a lot in common.
- BIGGEST HOLLYWOOD DOUCHEBAG ZD EVER MET: Leland Labarre from Creative Artists. A man of no convictions. He passed on $$$"Jackass"$$$!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Zuma Dogg POLITICAL News Update (& Smart Ass Commentary!) Give The People What They Want...Latest From The Greatest!
"the broadfather",
eli broad,
zuma dogg