[PICTURED: Saltsburg/Dogg - 05-16-12]
As I shift focus from exposing fraud, waste & abuse; now that it so very well covered across all forms of media (which was not the situation, when Zuma Dogg started, six years ago). Even over the past few months, the flood gates have opened, with even mainstream media, that used to "protect" City Hall, now on the blogger's bandwagon (we TOLD you so). AND, the FBI probes City Hall on things Zuma Dogg complained to them about.
So the shift in focus, is going "Back in Time" for Zuma Dogg, to his pre-gadfly days, his pre-comedy days...back to his early radio management days, when he was spending long days in seminar rooms, listening to top-priced, world-class, management, research and marketing consultants, both on and off the job.
This material served me well. I started reading and listening to it, while in college in Columbus, Ohio; and my radio career took me to places like D.C., Houston, New York City and L.A.
And I feel the time is now for the Legendary, Prophetic Icon to apply it to the current situation in L.A. City ("the more with less era"). You may not care about this approach, yet. But, ZD is used to no one caring about what he is saying, until one to three years later. So, I am doing the blogging for when you are ready to read it then.
I revamped ZumaDogg.com for more of a "consultant" look and will be the place I will be leaving the "most substantive and most legendary" portion of my already stunning legacy. If you care about the future of the city, and are not "nutty," you may enjoy the new look, tone and content at ZumaDogg.com.
Deming sent me a letter a praise.
Tony Robbins bowed down to me on his own stage. (First, and only time he ever did that, I was told.)
Bob Pittman (CEO/Clear Channel) is a fan of my material, and invited me to his office when he was President of Time/Warner, Inc.
Al Ries & Jack Trout (my mentors that I dreams of speaking with one day, when I first read their books) spent hours on the phone speaking with me about their material (translated into fifteen languages); and they both have also sent letters of praise for my interpretation of their material (Marketing Stategy).
And I went from Ohio State college student/part time radio gig, to New York City skyscraper, and was elevated to "guru," status by the top corporate movers and shakers of the radio and record industry.
I'm doing THAT routine at ZumaDogg.com. You may not "dig" it, but no need to second guess. Hope you DO "dig," and ARE inspired in your own right, by the material I am presenting, these days, for these days.